% podman-pod-ps 1 ## NAME podman\-pod\-ps - Print out information about pods ## SYNOPSIS **podman pod ps** [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION **podman pod ps** lists the pods on the system. By default it lists: * pod ID * pod name * the time the pod was created * number of containers attached to pod * container ID of the pod infra container * status of pod as defined by the following table | **Status** | **Description** | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------| | Created | No containers running nor stopped | | Running | at least one container is running | | Stopped | At least one container stopped and none running | | Exited | All containers stopped in pod | | Dead | Error retrieving state | ## OPTIONS #### **--ctr-ids** Display the container IDs #### **--ctr-names** Display the container names #### **--ctr-status** Display the container statuses #### **--filter**, **-f**=*filter* Provide filter values. The *filters* argument format is of `key=value`. If there is more than one *filter*, then pass multiple OPTIONS: **--filter** *foo=bar* **--filter** *bif=baz*. Supported filters: | Filter | Description | |------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ctr-ids | Filter by container ID within the pod. (CID prefix match by default; accepts regex) | | ctr-names | Filter by container name within the pod. | | ctr-number | Filter by number of containers in the pod. | | ctr-status | Filter by container status within the pod. | | id | Filter by pod ID. (Prefix match by default; accepts regex) | | label | Filter by container with (or without, in the case of label!=[...] is used) the specified labels. | | name | Filter by pod name. | | network | Filter by network name or full ID of network. | | status | Filter by pod status. | | until | Filter by pods created before given timestamp. | The `ctr-ids`, `ctr-names`, `id`, `name` filters accept `regex` format. The `ctr-status` filter accepts values: `created`, `running`, `paused`, `stopped`, `exited`, `unknown`. The `label` *filter* accepts two formats. One is the `label`=*key* or `label`=*key*=*value*, which removes containers with the specified labels. The other format is the `label!`=*key* or `label!`=*key*=*value*, which removes containers without the specified labels. The `until` *filter* can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m) computed relative to the machine’s time. The `status` filter accepts values: `stopped`, `running`, `paused`, `exited`, `dead`, `created`, `degraded`. #### **--format**=*format* Pretty-print containers to JSON or using a Go template Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below: | **Placeholder** | **Description** | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | .Cgroup | Cgroup path of pod | | .ContainerIds | Comma-separated list of container IDs in the pod | | .ContainerNames | Comma-separated list of container names in the pod | | .ContainerStatuses | Comma-separated list of container statuses | | .Created | Creation time of pod | | .ID | Container ID | | .InfraID | Pod infra container ID | | .Label *string* | Specified label of the pod | | .Labels ... | All the labels assigned to the pod | | .Name | Name of pod | | .Networks | Show all networks connected to the infra container | | .NumberOfContainers | Show the number of containers attached to pod | | .Restarts | Show the total number of container restarts in a pod | | .Status | Status of pod | #### **--help**, **-h** Print usage statement #### **--latest**, **-l** Show the latest pod created (all states) (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines) #### **--namespace**, **--ns** Display namespace information of the pod #### **--no-trunc** Do not truncate the output (default *false*). [//]: # (BEGIN included file options/noheading.md) #### **--noheading**, **-n** Omit the table headings from the listing. [//]: # (END included file options/noheading.md) #### **--quiet**, **-q** Print the numeric IDs of the pods only #### **--sort** Sort by created, ID, name, status, or number of containers Default: created ## EXAMPLES List all running pods. ``` $ podman pod ps POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID # OF CONTAINERS 00dfd6fa02c0 jolly_goldstine Running 31 hours ago ba465ab0a3a4 1 f4df8692e116 nifty_torvalds Created 10 minutes ago 331693bff40a 2 ``` List all running pods along with container names within the pods. ``` $ podman pod ps --ctr-names POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID NAMES 00dfd6fa02c0 jolly_goldstine Running 31 hours ago ba465ab0a3a4 loving_archimedes f4df8692e116 nifty_torvalds Created 10 minutes ago 331693bff40a thirsty_hawking,wizardly_golick ``` List all running pods along with status, names and ids. ``` $ podman pod ps --ctr-status --ctr-names --ctr-ids POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID IDS NAMES STATUS 00dfd6fa02c0 jolly_goldstine Running 31 hours ago ba465ab0a3a4 ba465ab0a3a4 loving_archimedes running f4df8692e116 nifty_torvalds Created 10 minutes ago 331693bff40a 331693bff40a,8e428daeb89e thirsty_hawking,wizardly_golick configured,configured ``` List all running pods and print ID, Container Names, and cgroups. ``` $ podman pod ps --format "{{.ID}} {{.ContainerNames}} {{.Cgroup}}" 00dfd6fa02c0 loving_archimedes /libpod_parent f4df8692e116 thirsty_hawking,wizardly_golick /libpod_parent ``` List all running pods with two containers sorted by pod ID. ``` $ podman pod ps --sort id --filter ctr-number=2 POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID # OF CONTAINERS f4df8692e116 nifty_torvalds Created 10 minutes ago 331693bff40a 2 ``` List all running pods with their container ids. ``` $ podman pod ps --ctr-ids POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID IDS 00dfd6fa02c0 jolly_goldstine Running 31 hours ago ba465ab0a3a4 ba465ab0a3a4 f4df8692e116 nifty_torvalds Created 10 minutes ago 331693bff40a 331693bff40a,8e428daeb89e ``` List all running pods with container ids without truncating IDs. ``` $ podman pod ps --no-trunc --ctr-ids POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID IDS 00dfd6fa02c0a2daaedfdf8fcecd06f22ad114d46d167d71777224735f701866 jolly_goldstine Running 31 hours ago ba465ab0a3a4e15e3539a1e79c32d1213a02b0989371e274f98e0f1ae9de7050 ba465ab0a3a4e15e3539a1e79c32d1213a02b0989371e274f98e0f1ae9de7050 f4df8692e116a3e6d1d62572644ed36ca475d933808cc3c93435c45aa139314b nifty_torvalds Created 10 minutes ago 331693bff40a926b6d52b184e116afd15497610c378d5d4c42945dd6e33b75b0 331693bff40a926b6d52b184e116afd15497610c378d5d4c42945dd6e33b75b0,8e428daeb89e69b71e7916a13accfb87d122889442b5c05c2d99cf94a3230e9d ``` List all running pods with container names. ``` $ podman pod ps --ctr-names POD ID NAME STATUS CREATED INFRA ID NAMES 314f4da82d74 hi Created 17 hours ago a9f2d2165675 jovial_jackson,hopeful_archimedes,vibrant_ptolemy,heuristic_jennings,keen_raman,hopeful_newton,mystifying_bose,silly_lalande,serene_lichterman ... ``` ## pod ps Print a list of pods ## SEE ALSO **[podman(1)](podman.1.md)**, **[podman-pod(1)](podman-pod.1.md)** ## HISTORY July 2018, Originally compiled by Peter Hunt