% podman-start(1)


podman-start - Start one or more containers


podman start [options] container

podman container start [options] container


Start one or more containers. You may use container IDs or names as input. The attach and interactive options cannot be used to override the –tty and –interactive options from when the container was created. If you attempt to start a running container with the –attach option, podman will simply attach to the container.


--attach, -a

Attach container’s STDOUT and STDERR. The default is false. This option cannot be used when starting multiple containers.


Specify the key sequence for detaching a container. Format is a single character [a-Z] or one or more ctrl-<value> characters where <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, , or _. Specifying “” will disable this feature. The default is ctrl-p,ctrl-q.

--interactive, -i

Attach container’s STDIN. The default is false.

--latest, -l

Instead of providing the container name or ID, use the last created container. If you use methods other than Podman to run containers such as CRI-O, the last started container could be from either of those methods. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client)


Proxy received signals to the process (non-TTY mode only). SIGCHLD, SIGSTOP, and SIGKILL are not proxied. The default is true when attaching, false otherwise.


podman start mywebserver

podman start 860a4b231279 5421ab43b45

podman start –interactive –attach 860a4b231279

podman start -i -l


podman(1), podman-create(1)


November 2018, Originally compiled by Brent Baude bbaude@redhat.com