% podman-system-connection 1 ## NAME podman\-system\-connection - Manage the destination(s) for Podman service(s) ## SYNOPSIS **podman system connection** *subcommand* ## DESCRIPTION Manage the destination(s) for Podman service(s). The user is prompted for the ssh login password or key file passphrase as required. The `ssh-agent` is supported if it is running. Podman manages the system connection by writing and reading the `podman-connections.json` file located under `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/containers` or if the env is not set it defaults to `$HOME/.config/containers`. Or the `PODMAN_CONNECTIONS_CONF` environment variable can be set to a full file path which podman will use instead. This file is managed by the podman commands and should never be edited by users directly. To manually configure the connections use `service_destinations` in containers.conf. If the ReadWrite column in the **podman system connection list** output is set to true the connection is stored in the `podman-connections.json` file otherwise it is stored in containers.conf and can therefore not be edited with the **podman system connection** commands. ## COMMANDS | Command | Man Page | Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | add | [podman-system-connection\-add(1)](podman-system-connection-add.1.md) | Record destination for the Podman service | | default | [podman-system-connection\-default(1)](podman-system-connection-default.1.md) | Set named destination as default for the Podman service | | list | [podman-system-connection\-list(1)](podman-system-connection-list.1.md) | List the destination for the Podman service(s) | | remove | [podman-system-connection\-remove(1)](podman-system-connection-remove.1.md) | Delete named destination | | rename | [podman-system-connection\-rename(1)](podman-system-connection-rename.1.md) | Rename the destination for Podman service | ## EXAMPLE List system connections: ``` $ podman system connection list Name URI Identity Default ReadWrite devl ssh://root@example.com/run/podman/podman.sock ~/.ssh/id_rsa true true ``` ## SEE ALSO **[podman(1)](podman.1.md)**, **[podman-system(1)](podman-system.1.md)** ## HISTORY June 2020, Originally compiled by Jhon Honce (jhonce at redhat dot com)