% podman-system 1 ## NAME podman\-system - Manage podman ## SYNOPSIS **podman system** *subcommand* ## DESCRIPTION The system command allows management of the podman systems ## COMMANDS | Command | Man Page | Description | | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | connection | [podman-system-connection(1)](podman-system-connection.1.md) | Manage the destination(s) for Podman service(s) | | df | [podman-system-df(1)](podman-system-df.1.md) | Show podman disk usage. | | events | [podman-events(1)](podman-events.1.md) | Monitor Podman events | | info | [podman-info(1)](podman-info.1.md) | Display Podman related system information. | | migrate | [podman-system-migrate(1)](podman-system-migrate.1.md) | Migrate existing containers to a new podman version. | | prune | [podman-system-prune(1)](podman-system-prune.1.md) | Remove all unused pods, containers, images, networks, and volume data. | | renumber | [podman-system-renumber(1)](podman-system-renumber.1.md) | Migrate lock numbers to handle a change in maximum number of locks. | | reset | [podman-system-reset(1)](podman-system-reset.1.md) | Reset storage back to initial state. | | service | [podman-system-service(1)](podman-system-service.1.md) | Run an API service | ## SEE ALSO **[podman(1)](podman.1.md)**